As New Jersey gives away free Narcan today, Saturday, September 26, the Division is issuing FAQs to assist pharmacists in implementing mandatory co-prescribing of naloxone to chronic pain patients. Under Administrative Order DCA AO 2020-08, prescribers must co-prescribe naloxone to patients who are receiving prescriptions for 90 MMEs or more of opioids, or the concurrent prescription of an opioid and a benzodiazepine. The Division's FAQ document explains pharmacists' role in implementing this new, emergency rule, and will assist them in determining when and how to dispense naloxone to customers. I hope you find these resources helpful as you continue working to protect the public during the current health emergency. Thank you for your service, especially during this critical time. Sincerely, Paul R. Rodríguez Acting Director Division of Consumer Affairs New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety
The first question of course would be what is 90 MME or more of opiods. To help, the following link is a Morphine milligram equivalents (MME).
Obviously there are some exceptions which is stated in the FAQs. (
"Are there any exemptions from the requirement to co-prescribe an opioid antidote set forth in the answer to question 1, above?
Yes. Prescribers do not need to co-prescribe an opioid antidote to a patient who is currently:
• actively being treated for cancer,
• receiving hospice care from a licensed hospice,
• receiving palliative care,
• residing in a long-term care facility.
Additionally, prescribers do not need to co-prescribe an opioid antidote when prescribing medication for treatment of substance abuse or opioid dependence, and the requirement does not apply to medications being administered pursuant to medication orders in in-patient facilities."